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Breakfast and afternoon snack
We know that after a shopping trip you need to recharge your batteries and we make it easy for you: enjoy a healthy breakfast or a perfect snack.
Time for an omelette skewer? The Chatter Café has a delicious omelette.
Fancy a frapuccino with a chocolate muffin? Starbucks is your place.
Or maybe you prefer a classic sandwich? Rodilla's never fails.
Pancakes with lots and lots of cream? Vips has the best.
Or maybe you're in the mood for a doughnut? Dunkin's is always the best option.
But we have much more in Café & Té also await you with the best selection of coffees.
The best snacks at Getafe The Style Outlets and Nassica
Time for an omelette skewer? The Chatter Café has a delicious omelette.
Fancy a frapuccino with a chocolate muffin? Starbucks is your place.
Or maybe you prefer a classic sandwich? Rodilla's never fails.
Pancakes with lots and lots of cream? Vips has the best.
Or maybe you're in the mood for a doughnut? Dunkin's is always the best option.
But we have much more in Café & Té also await you with the best selection of coffees.
The best snacks at Getafe The Style Outlets and Nassica